Tuesday, December 29, 2009

hallu again.......
need idea here....
korg rse kan,ape bisnes yg leh aku wt kn utk starting nih???bisnes yg agak2 org cm aku yg bru nk stat wt bisnes la...
yg x terlalu senang n x terlalu susah meh..ape pndpat korg ea???aku perlukan idea skrg nig...aku sgt la blur now...ineed help!!!
please help me.......
coming back after a long time!!!!!!
bru skg ade mood nk stat my blog back.......
hope lps ni aku rjin laupdate blog aku nih...hope so....
k,enough 4 starting....
see yaa....

Thursday, June 4, 2009

kebengangan yang melampau

hallu again... xde pe yg pntig sgt kli nih...tp aku agak xpuas ati sket r dgn wit 1 of my frenz nih(boy)...die ni slu gak msej ngn aku,tiap2 mlm aftr die keje.die mst msg aku pny...aku pn dh aggp die cm kwn baek aku le...die ex skolah teknik aku dlu..aku bg nme M le kt die...sng sket nk cte.cm yg korg tau,aku tgh cti sem kn skg nih,so aku xbpe lyan sgt r M nih,ye la,dh da bnd nk wt kn tyme cti2 nih,...so agak bz la..1 day 2,die msg aku,mlm.die tny aku wt pe,aku gtw r aku tlg bpak aku kt kdy, pas 2 die tny aku blek,"hang reti ke tlg wat keje2 kt kday 2??tlg mnyibuk da lar..."tnsion gak aku... then trus aku gdoh dgn die...ske sgt memperlekeh kn aku nih,...aku dh tlg keje kt kdy 2 dh lme kot...siot je die 2... then kelmarin,die msg aku,knon aku xmrah die lg la,tp die dh tmbah kn mrah aku lg... die tny aku wt pe,kt ne??kbtulan,aku kt umah akak aku,aku ckp r aku kt umah akak aku n jd nanny jap,jge anak akak aku yg bru setahun lbih 2,..lps aku gtw,die kte"hang tau ke jage budak kcik 2??" skali lg die memperlekehkan aku...tnsion2...aku dh jge anak buah aku 2 dr die lahir lg la... aku yg bg die mnum susu,bg mkan,bg tido lah kwn....then die msg lg lps aku xreply msg die,tny aku wt pe,aku jwab aku dh mampos...trus call aku.tp aku xlyan...pdan muka die,bru die rase sket...ske sgt bg aku skit ati..smpy skg aku xmsg die,die pn xmsg pjuk aku...biar kn die 2... hahahaha.jhat kn aku nih???nih aku nk tnjuk gmbar anak buah aku yg trbaru...yg aku jage die 2...

Saturday, May 23, 2009

now aku tgh holiday....start from 21st may mybe until 9th july kot....
agk sonok jgk cti lelame nih...
dh lame gak aku x update dis blog ln???
mst korg bosan kn jd follower blog aku...
bkn per,agk bz sket nk slalu online nih...
so skg time cti ni,if da story yg best2,aku update la my blog nih...
okeyh,c in other time.....
adios n bye...

Sunday, March 8, 2009

i'm going home,into da place i study.....so sad meh...xpuas lg nih cti.....i will always misz my family,tp aku akn slu call my parents...i will never forget them in whatever i do.... sob...sob....
sob....ble aku blek mlke jer,byk tugasan yg mnggu aku....assignment,test,quiz n byk lg kot...
heheheheh....hope i will settle it....wish me luck k.....=)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

my frenz....

nih lah kAwn skatil aku dr sem 1-sem 2 jer... tp sem 3 kitorg still sbilik lg wlu pn dh x skatil... hehehehe....tiap2 kali cti,aku akn msg dia...wlu pn kami jauh,tp ttp slu brhbung....lpa lak aku nk gtw, nama dia kifah afifi bt mohd anuar....dia dk kt PD....bla dia blek umh tyme ujung mggu,dia akn bwk blek mknan skali...aku igt lg byg dia pnh ckp tyme awl sem yg dia nk bg aku mkn smpy badan aku jd cm dia....kuang asam tol... tp skg bdan aku pn hmpir mmbsar jgk lar....heheheheh....now aku dh xsk sbilik dgn dia....dia dh jd MPP skg nih... i miss her rite now....huhuhu....
akeyh....ni lak antra kwan seumah aku dr sem 1 - sem 3....nih kt tgga kolej kitorg posing...hehehehe....if aku xclap,ni tyme first day kitorg dftar kolej tyme sem 3 kot... ntah la btl ke x....aku pn dh xigt....heheheheh....lam gmbar ni da aniem,feza, balqis, fatin,fafa,nana,aien,elise,aku n dyha...da lg yg xde nih...ntah kmna dorg mghilang pn aku xtaw....heheheheh....so,aku dh tnaikn jnji aku utk cta sal kwn skatil n seostel dgn aku...hehehehe
adios amigos....
tnsion tol aku....cti2 pn kna wt asgmnt gak...e-commerce la,finance lar,law lar,...byk tol lar...dh la due date die btl2 aftr cti...tnsion gak kpla otak aku cmnih....ble lah aku nk abs blaja nih..... bosan tol idup...lau mati pn xbest gak...byk lg dosa aku..x abs taubat lg nih...heheheheh.....aku hope aku leh settle kn aku pny asgmnt nih dgn ati yg tnang....huhuhu(tenang ker????)

Monday, March 2, 2009

jmpe lg kn??? rjin lak aku dk post blog nih kn???
mst org pn bosan ble bce aku pny post nih..?? kn2??? tp xpe,aku ska lak post2 nih...bnda bru an?? hehehehe so kali noh aku nk cta sal kwn kt " MARA PROFFESSIONAL COLLEGE" LAK...or lbh dknali dgan nama " KOLEJ PROFESSIONAL MARA" melaka....hehehehe,....sje nk glamer sket dgn nma MPC 2.heheheh.....okeyh,lau dak kpmm,mst dorg dh knal dak2 lam gmbar nih pnya lah... almaklum la,kwan2 aku ni agak glemer gak la.. aku nih je yg low profil...hehehe.tp aku nk cta gak...so,yg da kt atas nih nma dorg ialah.,nur famiza a.k.a. fafa, them nadia hanim a.k.a. aniem,.. next madihah amirah or org pggil dyha n last one nor'ain a.k.a. aien... dorg skn nih jd housemate aku kt orchad square,that is our house.heheheh....dorg nih pandai2 tau...mcm2 dorg pndai...mcm2 kebolehan dorg.mcm2 kerenah,pangai...sonok aku kwn dgn dorg nih...heheheh... mcm2 aku leh taw after kwn dgn dorg nih,...hehehehe,...next post aku nk cta sal kwn se ostel aku n kawan sblah katil aku...

Sunday, March 1, 2009

wahai kawan2 KPMM ku... aku nk gtaw nih yg aku rindu kn FATEN NAQUIAH......... aku post ni n gtaw kawan2 sekalian sb die xcaye yg aku rindu kn dia... ni salah satu bukti yg aku leh bg kt die.. heheheh...... so aten,aku rindu ko lar... caye lg x????n tuk bukti kn lagi,mumia yg gurl 2 la c aten......aku xlupe ko la aten,....

aloha again...
ari nih aku nk cita sal kawan2 aku kt "SEKOLAH MENENGAH TEKNIK KANGAR PERLIS" lak....so if rajin2 2,bca lah ek???heheheheheh............nih lah antra kawan2 aku time skol teknik 2... xbyak gmbar yg kitorg amek...nie pn tyme kitorg wt reunoin... kitorg wt kt pizza hut..tyme ni xckup bajet lg lah.....k yg bju ptih 2 nma aimi,skang nih dia dk blaja kt kolej komuniti arau.if aku xclap,dia tgh wt prktikal kot...then yg tdung itam yg dk sblah aku 2 nma dia husna...dia tgh tggu result STPM. wt msa skg nih dia dk keje part time kt courts mamoth... smlam bru aku g jmpe dia dgn beto...beto 2 pn dk skolah tenik gak sma dgn aku lps dk kt skolah agma smpy form 3....next,yg tdung ptih 2 nma dia nadia,...if aku xclap,dia blaja kt UITM kot...ntah la, aku pn x sure sgt sb dh x contact sgt dgn dia...msa kt teknik,aku da geng rpat... iaitu aku,beto,usna n faezah,tp faezah xde gmbar lak... then azim,afiq,tajol n enie nih geng kitorg gak...tp geng2 boy nih kitorg dh lost contact lar,,....hehehehe.xtaw cmner dh dorg 2...hehehehe
k lah,ni la antara kawan2 teknik aku...
c next blog...dadaaaaaa..........

Saturday, February 28, 2009

hye......holla my frenz...

skg nih aku nk cta sal kwan2 aku tyme aku "SEKOLAH MENENGAH AGAMA PEREMPUAN KANGAR" dlu....yg diri dr kiri 2 la sarah, then ilah, n tdung ptih 2 ziela,the best frenz 4 ever n ever...then yang duduk dri kiri 2 beto, aku n sblah aku 2 dieyla.....ni lah antra kawan2 baek aku,aku sgat lah rapat dgn dorg nih...tp skg byk yg dh diam...tp aku still slu contact gak dgn dorg nih...tp yg slu aku contact 2 ziela,beto,n wit dieyla...slu je msg dgn dorg 2...yelar dorg jer yg taw sume sal aku n9ih...pangai aku,baek ke jhat,nakal ke tak,dorg mmg taw...dorg slu je nshat aku melainkn family aku...aku rndu sgt kt dorg nih,...blek nih,lau leh,aku nk jmpe dorg...if xsmpat xpe la,still leh contact kn...call ke,msg ke....nk 3g,enfon aku xmaju lg...heheheheheheh... xkaya lg la kta kn nk bli enfon yg berteknologi tggi nih....hehehehe,k la, aku nk cta sal kwn laen lak....
adios amigos...see inj next post...

ha,nih family besar aku time raya 2008 ri tue...
nih baru sepupu2 akuh....
lg byak boy than gurl....
family yg pling byak gurl 2 family aku lar...
4 gurl in my fmily.....
nih family besar sblah abah aku....byak kn dorg???
if aku xclap, da 18 boy and 6 gurl...
aku rapat gak la dgn dorg nih....
yg baby 2 anak buah aku,....comel x???heheheheh

wah......i'm home...bes sgt dh smpy umah....heheheheheheh
dh jmpe mama abah aku,fmily aku,org kmpung aku....
klakar tol la ble dh jmpe dorg nih....
what a nice people...

Thursday, February 26, 2009

aloha my frenzzzzzzz.......
esk aku dh nk blek kmpung...
sonok sgt2 dh ni....
leh jmpe abah aku,mama aku,sibling aku,motor ksyangan aku, n byk lg la org yg leh aku jmpe...
sonok gila kot....
aku pn nk jmpe kwn2 aku...dh da byk perancangan nk wat,tp bjt lak xde...cmner nih??? sdih lak pk xde duet...tp xpe,leh pau mama n abah aku kot,....lg pn bkn slalu pn aku nk wt cmnih...hahahahahahahah,....jahat kn aku nih???
anak yg xbaek tol......
heheheheh,...k la,pape pn,esk kul 9,30 mlm bus aku bergerak menuju ke kmpung kue dari melaka nih....k,see u in da next post k...bye....
thanx sb bce bebelan aku..............
Telnet (Telecommunication network) is a network protocol used on the Internet or local area network (LAN) connections. It was developed in 1969 beginning with RFC 15 and standardized as IETF STD 8, one of the first Internet standards. Typically, Telnet provides access to a command-line interface on a remote machine.
The term telnet also refers to software which implements the client part of the protocol. Telnet clients are available for virtually all computer platforms. Most network equipment and OSes with a TCP/IP stack support some kind of Telnet service server for their remote configuration (including ones based on Windows NT). Because of security issues with Telnet, its use has waned in favor of SSH for remote access.
"To telnet" is also used as a verb, meaning to establish an interactive connection with the Telnet protocol. For example, a common directive might be: "To change your password, telnet to the server, login and run the password command." Most often, a user will be telnetting to a Unix- like server system or a network device such as a router and obtain a login prompt to a command line text interface or a character-based full-screen manager.
On many systems, a Telnet client application may also be used to make interactive raw-TCP sessions. It is commonly believed that a Telnet session which does not use the IAC (character 255) is functionally identical. This is not the case however due to special NVT (Network Virtual Terminal) rules such as the requirement for a bare CR (ASCII 13) to be followed by a NULL (ASCII 0).

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

ari nie aku,fafa,aniem n dyha dh ponteng class english...
alasan kitorg, sbb ujan...
nakal kn kitorg skg nih???
nsb la juz speech je ari nih...
lau pn yati ngaja,mmg kna g lar....
tp best tol leh tdo kt umah...
yelar, msing2 tdo kul 3 lbh pagi kot,...
so nakal....
wah,da lg 3 ari je aku dah nak blek kampung tercinta ku kt perlis....
sonok sgt2 nih...
rndu gila kat famili aku...
xsabar dah nih...

Friday, February 20, 2009

abah aku nama abidin ahmad

mama aku sabihah hanapiah..

first sis- sabidatul afifah

second sis- sabidatul afrini

aku- sabidatul affiza

fourth sis- sabidatul afezzah

lil bro- mohammad aizzat

bro in law- muhammad nazihan

niece- iman nafeesa

my new ahli in my family...
her name is iman nafeesa bt muhammad nazihan....
skg dh 9 bulan umor die...
comel x???

ha,nih akak aku yg num 2 2....

yg sblah kanak 2...

tp die lg kecik dr aku lah...


that is my family....

yg tdung merah 2 akak slung aku,

yg tdung itam 2 adik aku...

yg laky 2 da only boy in my family.....

da sorg lg akak aku yg xde lam nih....

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

msih bru kt cni...
still blaja lg....

xtau wat 2 say....
hope sesape jer leh la ajar ek sal wat blog nih ek??
